Archive 2016

Vol. VII – 2016

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Nº 1

Anatomical bases of renal pedicle’s vascular control

Ferrante, María S.; Algieri, Rubén D.; Fernández, Juan P.; Flores, Cristian A.; Vassia, Gustavo M.

Morphometry of histological sections of normal renal tubules in adult humans

Fernández Lastre, Miosotis de Lourdes; Mederos Pérez, Iraldo; Alonso Leal, Lourdes; Rego Juhe, Yardelys; Varela Iraola, Sandor; Díaz Cifuentes, Arely; Contreras Tejeda, José M.

Anatomy applied to iliohypogastric extraperitoneal laparoscopic neurectomy

Moreno Egea, Alfredo

Application of Anatomical Terminology in clinical practice: How far have we advanced?

García, Joaquín; Pouy, Andrés; Garretano, Alejandra; Mansilla Alejandra; Cancela, Nicolás; Macadam, José P.; Mansilla, Sofía

Current concepts in the anatomy of the pelvic floor referred to the application of the International Anatomical Terminology

Araujo C, Juan C.

Double anatomical variation of aortic arch. A case report

Al-Awad, Adel; Ortega, José; Pacheco, Ramón; Sánchez, Arleen; Sánchez, Mauribel
Nº 2

Radiological anatomy of normal aortic aging

Peralta, Rodrigo J.; Ladoux, Agustina; Barja, Tamara; Bratti, Griselda; Gutiérrez, Lucas M.; Bendersky, Mariana

International Anatomical Terminology (IAT) referring to the thoracic region

Araujo C., Juan C.

Testicular descent evolution in human embryos y fetus

Ortiz, M. S.; Ortiz, M. A.; Guidobono, J. A.; Forlino, D.

Anatomy and histology joint of canine larynx. An experimental model

Mateo, Alejandra G.; Silva, Liliana B.; Sánchez, Hilda L.

Axilla fasciae. New research on 34 cases

Poitevin, Luciano A.; Postan, Daniel; Forlizzi, Valeria

Irrigation of the duodenojejunal flexure

Poggi, Catalina; Cavadas, Alejo; Repetto, Analía G.; Pulice, Lucila; López, Tomás G.; Shinzato, Sergio
Nº 3

Establishing the knowledge of the International Anatomical Terminology (IAT) in the surgery of the inguino femoral region by the general surgeon

Araujo C., Juan C.

Morphological study of the plantar arch and metatarsal plantar arteries

L´Abbate, C.; López Miná, M.; Ruggieri, F.; Iaccarino, A.; Lavorato, N.; López, T.

Anatomical Variations of the Mitral Valve: Preliminary Study

Otonelli, Luciano G.; Di Paolo, Michelle; Chacaltana Villacorta, Andy; Parra, José S.; Sgarbanti, Victoria

Surgical anatomy of the posterior interosseous artery and its relationship with the dorsal carpal arch

Martínez, Ezequiel F.; Lobbosco, Sebastián; Pastrana, Martín J.

Cadaveric facing and using of virtual technology: Subjective responses of students of Anatomy and its impact on teaching strategies

Mazzoglio y Nabar, Martín; Algieri, Rubén D.; Tornese, Elba; Dogliotti, Claudia; Ferrante, Soledad; Gazzotti, Andrea; Jiménez Villarruel, Humberto; Rey, Lorena; Alonso, Horacio; Gómez, Dayana; Viñas, José

Variations of the sciatic nerve: Its relation to the piriformis muscle

Barone Papaianni, Iñaki; Di Paolo, Michelle; Chilo, Joel J.; Alonso, Horacio; Enriquez, Romina; Cancelliere Fritzler, Rodrigo
Nº 4

Topography of the thoracic duct

Pulice, Lucila; Repetto, Analía G.; Shinzato, Sergio; Poggi, Catalina; Cavadas, Alejo; López, Tomás G.

Anatomical considerations of the proximal pedicle of the vastus lateralis applied to the muscular flap of the vastus lateralis muscle

Ulloa Márquez, V; Chuang J.; Trupia, N.; Coppari, P.; Cruz, N.; Corti, A.

Pontine peduncle nucleus: Role in gait and balance and its potential in stereotactic surgery

Piedimonte, Fabián C.; Andreani, Juan C.; Acosta, Tania; Piedimonte, Leandro; Bendersky, Mariana; Etcheverry, José L.

Anatomical study: Variations of the system of pulleys of the thumb, a new classification

Ripoll, Guzmán; Jaber, Samer; Neirreiter, Alejandra; Corderi, Fabricio; Glumcher, Damián; Estapé, Gonzalo

Corona mortis and its implication in abdominal wall surgery

Iaccarino, A.B.; López Miná, M.I.; Martínez Hinojosa, P.A.; Muerza, C.D.; Corá, C.H.; Meijomil, M.

Anatomical variations of the retromandibular vein

Cotta, Estefanía; Castro Lemme, Sofía B.; Pérez Peña, Yanina A.; Ferrazzano, Florencia D.; Seip, Tomás; Fernández Vargas, Martina

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