Anatomical bases of ganglionar emptying for thyroid carcinoma
Debuck, Melisa M.; Mastromauro, Guillermina; Cipiti, Gisel C.; Boglioli, Analía R.; Mónaco, Nicolás J.; Calgaro, Graciela C.
Anatomical caracteristic the unique presence the muscle condro - coracoideo in the charateristc insert
Orbes Portilla, Jairo O.; Fernández Sánchez, Andrés; Claros Benítez, Diana I.; Tejada Rentería, Laura M.; Orbes Bastidas, Jairo E.
Teaching tasks with a problematic focus in the teaching of Human Anatomy
Beltrán Molina, Edith M.; Castro Rodríguez, María E.
Anatomic description of the SMAS and the study of its extension in the head
Granja, Santiago T.
Cadaveric disection of recto and mesorecto with vascular infiltration
Calvo, Javier; Rahi Virginia; Ibarzábal, Juan; López, Patricio; Torregiani, Pablo
mVTLE in Anatomy: Current status and educational screenings
Mazzoglio y Nabar M. J.; Algieri, R. D.; Tornese, E. B.; Dogliotti, C. G.; Gazzotti, A.; Ferrante, M. S.; Jiménez Villarrue, l. H. N.; Rey, L. M.
Oligodontia: Case report and literature review
Roa, Ignacio; Marinkovic, Elisa
Plant lymphatic network
Bernárdez, Ricardo A.; Enríquez, Romina; Sgarbanti, Victoria; Chilo, Joel J.; Gamboa Miño, Sofía N.; Amore, Miguel A.