Archive 2015

Vol. VI – 2015

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Nº 1

High origin of the radial artery. Case report and literature review

Medina Ruíz, Blás A.; Mena Canata, Carlos E.; Pérez Bareiro, Rocío S.; Ayala, Monserrat; Serafini, Francisco; Izcurdia, Clara E.

Kidney morphometric: Count of renal corpuscle in postmortem examinations of dead persons with diabetic nephropathy

Mederos Pérez, Iraldo; Mondeja Labrada, Niurbis; Alonso Leal, Lourdes; Morales Pérez, Viviana; Ramírez Agüero, Esperanza de la Caridad

Historical revision about anatomy of optic nerve

Acuña, Marcelo; Folgueira, Agustín

Analysis of the implication of the International Anatomical Terminology (IAT) of the neck region and its application by the general surgeon

Araujo C., Juan C.

Kinking of the internal carotid artery: Case report and anatomo-surgical importance

Álvarez, Diego; Munyo, Andrés; D’Albora, Ricardo; Pérez, Diego

Variations in the formation and branching pattern of brachial plexus

Seema, S. R.; Gangadhar

Internal jugular vein catheterization: Aspects of interest anatomics and clinical applications

Yupanqui, Manuel A.; Vargas, Karen J.; Guzmán, Nelson A.; Antezana, Freddy; Portugal, Miltom

Right retroesophageal subclavian artery: About 2 cases

Pereira, Christian J.; Russo, Alejandro; Byk, Bruno; Olivera, Eduardo
Nº 2

Anomalous origin of the internal carotid artery and right external carotid artery from the innominate artery: A case report

Abrego, Gabriela; Gupta, Supriya; Figueroa, Ramón

Abduction system of the 5th. finger of the hand. Biomechanical and electromyographic research

Postan, Daniel; Poitevin Luciano A.; Allende J. L.; Forlizzi Valeria; Chuang J.; Andrada B.

Application of videolaparoscopy in the study of hepatic segmentation

Argañaraz, Camilo O.; Brión, Federico S.; Guantay, Leonel G.; Ahumada Julio, José F.; Montero Núñez, Emilse N.; Lacsi, Facundo M.

Importance of palmar cutaneous nerve in hand surgery

Calvo, Lautaro E.; Bayon, María A.; Iturria, Joaquín M.; Montenegro, Yudith E.; Rahi, Virginia; Verger, Brenda

Morphological changes of the lateral fissure of the brain from the 12th. to the 20th. week of intrauterine gestation identified by magnetic resonance imaging

Ruiz, Matías E.; Oviedo, Jorge M.; Wirz, Hugo M.; Staneff, Juan.; Guidobono, Juan A.; Forlino, Daniel

TRAM Flap (Transverse Rectus Abdominal Muscle Flap). Anatomic study by dissection

De Pauli, Daniela I.; Rodríguez, Carlos A.; Mantelli, Adrián J.; Bumaguin, Gastón E.; De Pauli, Melisa B.; Rodríguez, Estanislao

Renal morphometry. Part I: Behavior of normal renal diameters by ultrasound in young adults

Mederos Pérez, Iraldo; Hernández Cuan, Cristina; Rowe Sánchez, Josefina de la Caridad; Miranda Rosales, Filiberto F.; Morales Pérez, Viviana

Morphometry of the posterior cranial fossa: Importance in retrocondylar approaches

Zimelewicz Oberman, Dan; Pérez Zabala, Joaquín; López, Tomás
Nº 3

New concepts in the anatomy of the cardionector system with application in electrophysiology

Abuin, Gustavo; Barceló, Adrián; Cichero, Fernando; Scaglione, Jorge; Miragaya, Nicolás

Posterior arch of the atlas agenesis. Case report

Roa, Ignacio

Comparative anatomy of the supinator and pronator round muscles of three wild carnivorous species

Silva, Manuela F. M.; Souza, Wilson V.; Almada, Rita M. F.; Carvalho, Amarílis D.; Souza Júnior, Paulo

Morphological study: Inflow and outflow tract limits from right ventricle

Pérez, Inés V.; Martínez, Micaela L.; Bergilli, Yanina D.; Urrutia, Juan S.; Tartaglia, María L.; Rojas Ortiz, María V.

Parietal lobe structural and functional correlate´s in female with Alzheimer disease with magnetic resonance and single photon emission tomography

Tornese, Elba B.; Mazzoglio y Nabar, Martín J.; Dogliotti, Claudia, G.

Anatomical distribution of superficial dorsal veins of the hand

Atilano Macías, Dilan; Díaz Plata, Yulieth V.; Restrepo Bolaño, Melissa E.; De la Hoz, Oswaldo; Linero Cueto, Gary

Development of neurosurgical techniques in two animal models of experimentation

Unda Velasco, Santiago R.
Nº 4

Anatomical bases of ganglionar emptying for thyroid carcinoma

Debuck, Melisa M.; Mastromauro, Guillermina; Cipiti, Gisel C.; Boglioli, Analía R.; Mónaco, Nicolás J.; Calgaro, Graciela C.

Anatomical caracteristic the unique presence the muscle condro - coracoideo in the charateristc insert

Orbes Portilla, Jairo O.; Fernández Sánchez, Andrés; Claros Benítez, Diana I.; Tejada Rentería, Laura M.; Orbes Bastidas, Jairo E.

Teaching tasks with a problematic focus in the teaching of Human Anatomy

Beltrán Molina, Edith M.; Castro Rodríguez, María E.

Anatomic description of the SMAS and the study of its extension in the head

Granja, Santiago T.

Cadaveric disection of recto and mesorecto with vascular infiltration

Calvo, Javier; Rahi Virginia; Ibarzábal, Juan; López, Patricio; Torregiani, Pablo

mVTLE in Anatomy: Current status and educational screenings

Mazzoglio y Nabar M. J.; Algieri, R. D.; Tornese, E. B.; Dogliotti, C. G.; Gazzotti, A.; Ferrante, M. S.; Jiménez Villarrue, l. H. N.; Rey, L. M.

Oligodontia: Case report and literature review

Roa, Ignacio; Marinkovic, Elisa

Plant lymphatic network

Bernárdez, Ricardo A.; Enríquez, Romina; Sgarbanti, Victoria; Chilo, Joel J.; Gamboa Miño, Sofía N.; Amore, Miguel A.

Summaries of the scientific papers presented at the 52nd. Argentine Congress of Anatomy, held from September 16 to 18, 2015 at the Barceló Foundation. La Rioja, Argentina

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